Shannon and Sundance
Glimmercroft Shenandoah
Glimmercroft Shenandoah
Registered as F5 American with both Mini registries
Born: March 29, 2017
Full pedigree below
Shannon has matured into a very solid doe. She has kidded three times without incident, twice without my even being there. She has a beautiful udder, and stands calmly on the milkstand for hand or machine milking.
Shannon last freshened 14 months ago, and has been on a very erratic once-daily milking schedule for the past 10 months. Currently, she hops onto the milkstand, eats up her six ounces of grain, and gives me 2.5 pounds of rich, sweet milk. And she's getting fat doing it.
Shannon kids without trouble and is an excellent mother, raising triplets with plenty of milk to spare. She is also one of the most affectionate goats you could meet, insisting on a thorough face rub before she will leave the milk shed willingly.
Shannon did well the two times she was shown, taking Reserve Champion in a large live show, and Grand Champion in the MDGA V-Show, both as a first freshener.
Shannon has sons standing as herdsires in Missouri and Tennessee.
Shannon and Tangent, 2021
Shannon Udder Series - Third Freshening
Shannon Udder Series - Third Freshening
Shannon Udder Series - Third Freshening After Once-Daily Milking for 10 Months, 24-Hour Fill
Shannon Udder Series - Third Freshening After Once-Daily Milking for 10 Months, 24-Hour Fill
Shannon V-Show Series - First Freshening
Shannon V-Show Series - First Freshening
More Shannon Pictures Just for Fun
More Shannon Pictures Just for Fun
Show History:
2019 V-Show - Grand Champion under Travis Cockburn
Kidding History:
1st F: 4/12/19 - Doeling and buckling, unassisted.
2nd F: 2/27/20 - Buckling and two doelings, no problems.
3rd F: 5/24/21 - Buckling and doeling, unassisted.